Special Issue: XI Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs (LAWCG 2024)
Following the tradition of LAWCG, a special issue of Matemática Contemporânea will be prepared for LAWCG 2024. All interested researchers are invited to submit original contributions to this special issue. The topics should relate to the themes of the conference: cliques and other topics in Graph Theory. Submissions of contributions not presented at the workshop are also welcome.
The extended abstract should contain at most 10 (ten) pages. Authors may include an optional appendix with supplementary material for reviewers, such as detailed proofs of theorems stated in the main text, additional figures, or examples illustrating technical points. The full submission, abstract and appendix together, should be self-contained. However, since the appendix is not going to be published, it must not be cited in the 10 pages of the extended abstract.
The acceptance of the extended abstracts is subject to a new refereeing process. They should be prepared in English and LaTeX format, following the template available at: https://mc.sbm.org.br/instructions-for-the-authors-and-editorial-board/.
The submission process must be completed electronically through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=matemticacontemporne0.
Submissions are open. The deadline for submissions is March 10, 2025.
Easychair closing date: March 10, 2025