Conference Program
The conference program is also avaliable in pdf format.
August 9th |
Registration at CEFET (09:00 - 10:00)
Room 1 (10:00 - 11:00)
1. Critical ideals of graphs and applications. Carlos A. Alfaro, Jephian C.-H. Lin.
2. Some Spectral Properties of Fulleroids-(3, 4, 6). Celso M. da Silva Jr., Diego de S. Nicodemos.
3. Some spectral properties of spider graphs. Renata R. Del-Vecchio, Lucas L. S. Portugal, Celso M. da Silva Jr..
4. The Zero-Divisor Graphs of the Direct Product of Commutative Rings. André Ebling Brondani, Francisca Andrea Macedo Fran¸ca, Daniel Felisberto Traciná Filho.
Room 2 (10:00 - 11:00)
5. Arc-disjoint branching flows. A. Karolinna Maia, Jonas Costa, Raul Lopes.
6. A linear algorithm to find the distance in Cayley Graph Hl,p. C. S. R. Patrão, D. Castonguay, A. C. Ribeiro, L. A. B. Kowada.
7. A pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock. Ueverton Souza, Leonardo Perazzini, Pedro Henrique Gonzalez.
8. Tessellations on graphs with few P4’s. Alexandre Abreu, Franklin Marquezino, Daniel Posner.
Coffee break (11:00 - 11:30)
Plenary Talk (11:30 - 12:30)
On the genus of dense graphs (Bojan Mohar)
Room 1 (14:00 - 15:00)Lunch (12:30 - 14:00)
9. Pebbling in Semi-2-Trees. Liliana Alcón, Marisa Gutierrez, Glenn Hurlbert.
10. Determining optimum tree t-spanners for split graphs and cographs. Fernanda Couto, Luís Cunha, Diego Ferraz.
11. A kernelization algorithm for Closest String parameterized by the number of input strings. M. B. Stockinger, U. S. Souza.
12. Prismas complementares com 2-atribuição de papéis. Diane Castonguay, Elisângela Silva Dias, Fernanda Neiva Mesquita.
Room 2 (14:00 - 15:00)
13. A forbidden subgraph characterization of nested and 2-nested graphs. Guillermo Durán, Luciano N. Grippo, Nina Pardal, Martín D. Safe.
14. On Gallai and anti-Gallai chordal graphs. G. A. Durán, F. Fernández Slezak, L. N. Grippo, F. S. Oliveira, M. D. Safe.
15. Characterizing Star Graphs. Guilherme de C. M. Gomes, Carlos V. G. C. Lima, Vinícius F. dos Santos.
16. New results on dually-CPT graphs. L. Alcón, N. Gudiño, M. Gutierrez.
Room 1 (15:00 - 16:00)
17. Vector Domination Problem on the family of Split-Indiffrence Graphs. Rodrigo Lamblet Mafort, Fábio Protti.
18. Determinant families of dually chordal graphs. Pablo De Caria.
19. Characterization by forbidden subgraphs of near-bipartite P4-tidy graphs. Fábio Silva, Raquel Bravo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Uéverton Souza.
20. Characterizing General Fullerene Graphs. S. Dantas, L. Faria, A. Furtado, S. Klein, D. Nicodemos.
Room 2 (15:00 - 16:00)
21. On the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of power of cycles. J.D. Alvarado, S. Dantas.
22. Identifying codes in complementary prisms. Juliana Paula Félix, Márcia Rodrigues Cappelle.
23. On identifying codes in the Cartesian product of a star and a path. Juliana Paula Félix, Márcia Rodrigues Cappelle.
24. Sobre Códigos Corretores de Distância Hamming 3. Natália Pedroza, Paulo E. Pinto, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter.
Coffee break (16:00 - 16:30)
Room 1 (16:30 - 17:30)
25. The Biclique Graph of K3-free Graphs are the Square of Some Graph. Marina Groshaus, André L. P. Guedes.
26. On the Diameter of Spherical Fullerene Graphs. S. Dantas, V. Linder, D. Nicodemos.
27. Some forbidden structures for the near-bipartition problem on distance-hereditary graphs. Rodolfo Oliveira, Raquel Bravo, Uéverton Souza, Fabio Silva.
28. Caracterização estrutural de grafos-(1, 2) bem-cobertos. S. R. Alves, F. Couto, L. Faria, S. Gravier, S. Klein, U. dos S. Souza.
Room 2 (16:30 - 17:30)
29. An optimal algorithm to totally color some power of cycle graphs. Alesom Zorzi, Celina de Figueiredo, Raphael Machado.
30. Equitable total coloring of graphs with universal vertex. Mayara Midori Omai, Sheila Morais de Almeida, Diana Sasaki Nobrega.
31. A Recolouring Procedure for Total Colouring. L. M. Zatesko, R. Carmo, A. L. P. Guedes.
32. The b-continuity of graphs with large girth. Allen Ibiapina, Ana Silva.
Welcome Ceremony at UERJ (17:30)
August 10th |
Room 1 (9:00 - 10:00)
33. On the null structure of bipartite graphs without cycles of length multiple of 4. Daniel A. Jaume, Gonzalo Molina, Adrián Pastine.
34. Proper gap-labellings of unicyclic graphs. C. A. Weffort-Santos, C. N. Campos, R. C. S. Schouery.
35. A Decomposition for Edge-colouring. Jo˜ao Pedro W. Bernardi, Sheila M. de Almeida, Leandro M. Zatesko.
36. The Colourability problem on (r, l)-Graphs and a few parametrized solutions. M. S. D. Alves, U. S. Souza.
Room 2 (9:00 - 10:00)
37. Colorings, Cliques and Relaxations of Planarity. Val Pinciu.
38. Algoritmos para os Casos Polinomiais da Coloração Orientada. Mateus de Paula Ferreira, Hebert Coelho da Silva.
39. Equitable total coloring of classes of tripartite complete graphs. A.G. da Silva, D. Sasaki, S. Dantas.
40. Graphs with small fall-spectrum. Ana Silva.
Room 1 (10:00 - 11:00)
41. Coloring Game: characterization of a (3, 4*)-caterpillar. S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, A. Furtado, S. Gravier.
42. Matching problem for vertex colored graphs. Martín Matamala.
43. Alguns Resultados em Coloração Orientada e Clique Coloração Orientada. Hebert Coelho, Luerbio Faria, Sylvain Gravier, Sulamita Klein.
44. On the convexity number for complementary prisms. Diane Castonguay, Erika M. M. Coelho, Hebert Coelho, Julliano R. Nascimento.
Room 2 (10:00 - 11:00)
45. Knot-Free Vertex Deletion Problem: Parameterized Complexity of a Deadlock Resolution Graph Problem. Alan D. A. Carneiro, Fábio Protti, Uéverton S. Souza.
46. A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Clique and Independent Set in Complementary Prisms. Priscila Camargo, Alan D. A. Carneiro, Uéverton S. Souza.
47. The Diverse Vertex Covers Problem. Julien Baste, Michael R. Fellows, Lars Jaffke, Mateus de Oliveira Oliveira, Frances A. Rosamond.
48. Directed tree-width is FPT. A. Karolinna Maia, Raul Lopes, Victor Campos.
Coffee break (11:00 - 11:30)
Plenary Talk (11:30 - 12:30)
Clique Operators in Digraphs (Marisa Gutierrez)
Room 1 (14:00 - 15:00)Lunch (12:30 - 14:00)
49. P3-Helly number of graphs with few P4. Moisés T. Carvalho, Simone Dantas, Mitre C. Dourado, Daniel Posner, Jayme L. Szwarcfiter.
50. On the P3-Hull Number for Strongly Regular Graphs. Erika M. M. Coelho, Braully R. Silva , Hebert Coelho.
51. Sobre o número de Sierksma de um grafo. Felipe Pereira do Carmo, Carlos Alberto de Jesus Marthinon, Uéverton dos Santos Souza, Moisés Teles Carvalho Junior.
52. The Rank on the Graph Geodetic Convexity. M.T. Carvalho, S. Dantas, C.V.G.C. Lima, V. Linder, V.F. dos Santos.
Room 2 (14:00 - 15:00)
53. Covering a body using unequal spheres and the problem of finding covering holes. Helder Manoel Venceslau, Marilis Bahr Karam Venceslau, Nélson Maculan.
54. New proposals for the Problem of Covering Solids using Spheres of Different Radii. Pedro Henrique González, Ana Flavia U. S. Macambira, Renan Vicente Pinto, Luidi Simonetti, Nelson Maculan, Philippe Michelon.
55. Connectivity of cubical polytopes. Hoa Bui Thi, Guillermo Pineda-Villavicencio, Julien Ugon.
56. A strategy to select vertices as candidates for routers in a Steiner tree. João Guilherme Martinez, Rosiane de Freitas, Altigran da Silva, Fábio Protti.
Room 1 (15:00 - 16:00)
57. Powers of Circular-Arc Models. Francisco J. Soulignac, Pablo Terlisky.
58. Digrafo de interseccíon de torneos transitivos maximales. G. Sánchez Vallduví, M. Gutiérrez, B. Llano.
59. Extremal unit circular-arc models. Francisco J. Soulignac, Pablo Terlisky.
60. Circular-arc Bigraphs and the Helly subclass. Marina Groshaus, André Luiz Pires Guedes, Fabricio Schiavon Kolberg.
Room 2 (15:00 - 16:00)
61. Pursuit Games on graphs with few P4’s. Nicolas Martins, Rudini Sampaio.
62. Clobber game as executive functions test. T. Pará, S. Dantas, S. Gravier, L.A.V. de Carvalho, P. Mattos.
63. On the Minimum Broadcast Time Problem. Diego Delle Donne, Ivo Koch.
64. On distance colorings, graph embedding and IP/CP models. Rosiane de Freitas, Bruno Dias, Nelson Maculan, Javier Marrenco, Philippe Michelon, Jayme Szwarcfiter.
Coffee break (16:00 - 16:30)
Plenary Talk (16:30 - 17:30)
New results on intersecting families of subsets (Gyula O.H. Katona)
Social Event at CEFET (17:30)
August 11th |
Room 1 (9:00 - 10:00)
65. On bicliques and the second clique graph of suspensions. M.A. Pizaña, I.A. Robles.
66. On a Class of Proper 2-Thin Graphs. M. S. Sampaio Jr., F. S. Oliveira, J. L. Szwarcfiter.
67. On Orthodox Tree Representations of Kn,m. C.F. Bornstein, J.W. Coura Pinto, J.L. Szwarcfiter.
68. Biclique Graphs of Interval Bigraphs and Circular-arc Bigraphs. E. P. Cruz, M. Groshaus, A. L. P. Guedes.
Room 2 (9:00 - 10:00)
69. B1-EPG-Helly Graph Recognition. Claudson Bornstein, Tanilson Santos, Uéverton Souza, Jayme Szwarcfiter.
70. The Terminal connection problem on strongly chordal graphs and cographs. A. A. Melo, C. M. H. Figueiredo, U. S. Souza.
71. Complexity Analisys of the And/Or graph Solution Problem on Planar Graphs. M. R. Alves, U. S. Souza.
72. Weighted proper orientations of trees and graphs of bounded treewidth. Julio Araujo, Cláudia Linhares Sales, Ignasi Sau, Ana Silva.
Room 1 (10:00 - 11:00)
73. Sobre los grafos PVPG: una subclase de los grafos vértice intersección de caminos en una grilla. Liliana Alcón, Flavia Bonomo, María Pía Mazzoleni, Fabiano Oliveira.
74. Clique-divergence is not first-order expressible for the class of finite graphs. Carmen Cedillo, Miguel Pizaña.
75. On Clique-Inverse Graphs of Graphs with Bounded Clique Number. Liliana Alcón, Sylvain Gravier, Claudia Sales, Fabio Protti, Gabriela Ravenna.
76. The unit-demand envy-free princing problem applied to the sports entertainment industry. Marcos Salvatierra, Rosiane de Freitas.
Room 2 (10:00 - 11:00)
77. Worst cases in constrained LIFO pick-up and delivery problems. Sebastián Urrutia, Dominique de Werra.
78. Size Multipartite Ramsey Number. Pablo Henrique Perondi, Emerson Luiz do Monte Carmelo.
79. Maximum number of edges in graphs with prescribed maximum degree and matching number. Pinar Heggernes, Jean R. S. Blair, Paloma T. Lima.
80. An extremal problem on the interval counts. L. S. Medeiros, F. S. Oliveira, J. L. Szwarcfiter.
Coffee Break (11:00 - 11:30)
Plenary Talk (11:30 - 12:30)
Minimizing the Solid Angle Sum of Orthogonal Polyhedra and Edge Guarding (Jorge Urrutia)
Social Event at Lapa (19:00 - 22:00)